Quantum Certification Conference+ (QUACC+)

The conference is organized as a part of a QuantERA project (VERIqTAS) and co-funded by Nawa Welcome to Poland programme.

May, 12 – 14, 2025
Center for Theoretical Physics PAS (Warsaw, Poland)


This conference has been supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland NAWA.

Funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, within the QuantERA II Programme that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101017733.

About the Conference

Quantum Certification Conference+ (QUACC+), to be held on May 12 – 14, 2025 at the Center for Theoretical Physics PAS, Warsaw (Poland), aims to attract researchers working on widely understood quantum certification, and to inspire vivid scientific discussions and foster new collaborations. During the conference, attendees will have an opportunity to contribute a short talk (20 + 5 min) or a poster as well as listen to the invited talks (40 + 5 min) from the most prominent researchers in the field.

QUACC+ is a part of the QuantERA project “Verification of Quantum Technologies, Applications and Systems” (veriqtas.cft.edu.pl), and so it is also an opportunity for meeting between the research groups forming VERIqTAS consortium.

The conference fee is 100€.

Contact: quacc2025{at}cft.edu.pl

We have confirmed email scams targeting participants of QUACC 2025. Please ignore emails from "ops@travellerpoint dot org", or any other travel agency. Do not reply to the emails and do not click any links included in these emails.

Key Dates

  • January 24, 2025: registration is open
  • April 10, 2025: deadline for abstracts of contributed talks and posters
  • April 17, 2025: notification of posters acceptance and final program announced
  • April 24, 2025: registration is closed
  • May 8, 2025: payment deadline
  • May 12 – 14, 2025: conference days

Organizing Committees

Local Organizers (CFT PAN)

  • Remigiusz Augusiak
  • Wojciech Bruzda
  • Arturo Konderak
  • Jarek Korbicz

Scientific Committee:

  • Antonio Acín (ICFO, Barcelona)
  • Remigiusz Augusiak (CFT PAN, Warszawa)
  • Wojciech Bruzda (CFT PAN, Warszawa)
  • Omar Fawzi (Inria, ENS Lyon)
  • Jarek Korbicz (CFT PAN, Warszawa)
  • Stefano Pironio (Université libre de Bruxelles)

Invited Speakers

  • Antonio Acín (ICFO, Barcelona)
  • Álvaro M. Alhambra (Instituto de Física Teórica – CSIC, Madrid)
  • Nicholas Chancellor (Newcastle University)
  • Omar Fawzi (Inria, ENS Lyon)
  • Edwin Lobo (Université libre de Bruxelles)
  • Miguel Navascués (IQOQI, Vienna)
  • Joschka Roffe (University of Edinburgh)
  • Francesco Tacchino (IBM Research Zürich)
  • Yuming Zhao (University of Copenhagen)



Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CFT PAN) is a scientific institute. It was established in 1980 and conducts research in the field of theoretical physics, astrophysics and cosmology.

The building of CFT PAN is located in Służewiec – the southern district of the city. The address is Warszawa, Al. Lotników 32/46. Instructions/maps how to get there:

The organizers do not provide any accommodation. Please, search for accommodation on your own. Organizers do not pass any personal data to third parties in order to inform about possible accommodation places. Please do not answer any unexpected e-mails with respect to the hotel booking and never reveal your credit card number through e-mail or phone contact. Please contact any of LOC members if you need help.